Here is a current picture of the mandevilla i have had in water for 10 weeks now. it is really putting out roots and seems to be going strong! I'll keep you posted.
Every five years or so we put the house on our local home tour. Next year feels like our year. I have always wanted to do a gingerbread copy of the house. This is my dry run for next year. I think it's pretty good.
We had such great luck with our two mandevilla vines this year, i am trying to keep some to strat next Spring. I took some air layers, and some cutting to root. Of the six cuttings all but one have died. I took the cuttings in late October, and just this week, approx. 8 weeks later my one remaining cutting, has sprung to life with roots! I am so hopeful. I also have the two little air layered plants that started from the mother plant - they are not dead, but they're not growing either. I'll have to keep you posted.
This is a great plant. It comes from small bulbs in the Fall and then again in the Spring. It last weeks in a vase if placed in a cool spot in the house - such as the front hall. Once the leaves die down then the seeds com from the in-descript calla-like flowers. The seeds look like a "red hot poker." They start out bright orange and darken as they age and then drop. Arum does spread very slowly. It's a great plant.