Sunny Border Late April 2012
This is the red Knock Out rose that my wife got me in a silent auction.
This is a close up shot of the pink Knock Out that I love even more than the red.
We purchased three new mandevilla vines - Giant White -
i didn't pull the old ones this Winter and they did not make it. i sure was sad.
New mandevillas make me happy.
The Shasta Daisys are ready and waiting for May 1st looks like.
The Peonies at the end of the border look very healthy.
Here is the new clematis in the White Garden. Arctic Queen.
It broke my heart but I pruned it back - hard -
info from the web says prune it now while it's growing so it will be fuller and more lush later.
I am patient - I can wait and see.
Pots near the front steps
Lavendar Munstead is looking good by the front steps.
We are trying out some ferns on the front porch.
Asparagus Ferns are the only thing we can leave out in the hot burning sun.
Good Luck to the fern on the table.
Today the town had a town-wide yard sale and the local garden clubs had plant sales.
i found several things for the White Garden. The plant below is Angelonia Serena White.
It is supposed to like the heat and light and get to be about 2 feet tall and wide.
Bonnie Plants Cabbage from school. It looks good for the white garden.
Phlox David was a pass along from the nice garden club lady. I had seen the phlox as we walked around the yard sale on the Square here in town. By the time we got back around they were gone, and when the lady figured out what I had wanted she offered to let me come to her house and she would give a plant to divide.
Thanks for stopping. David