Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sunny Border June 2012

 We have had rain the last six days in a row. Now with the sun coming out the Sunny Border is bursting with blooms.
 Echinacea Green Envy is blooming.
 The blue Salvia I moved from the back yard is doing great out here. I hope the Shasta Daisy and Echinacea don't choke it out. It should be tall and beautiful all Summer long.
 The White Mandevilla are filling in fast. The rain really helped them along.
 I know a lot of people don't like the Knock Out Roses, but I do love the pink. Plus I have never had any luck with any other roses out here.

 The Arctic Queen Clematis continue to grow and now have several flowers budding out. These are a great addition to the White Garden.
 Out near the gazebo on the Front Porch the gardenia bushes are still blooming. i wish you could smell these photos. Warm, sweet, and buttery, like some kind of baked dessert.
Have a great weekend guys!

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are looking wonderful. The rain must have been a breath of fresh air for your garden. I move things around a lot finding that I have planted them in a bad location. I really like knock out roses too. Your sunny border is really impressive. Great to see how it all is turning into a mature garden.
