Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trinity Church decorated for a TV wedding

One of our local churches here in town was recently used for a wedding reality show. The church was completed at the end of the War Between the States. It is a beautiful building with a small but active congregation. I have no idea how this site was chosen for the show. The decorations included wreaths on the gate, garland on the handrails and all around the front door surround.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sunny Border June 2012

 We have had rain the last six days in a row. Now with the sun coming out the Sunny Border is bursting with blooms.
 Echinacea Green Envy is blooming.
 The blue Salvia I moved from the back yard is doing great out here. I hope the Shasta Daisy and Echinacea don't choke it out. It should be tall and beautiful all Summer long.
 The White Mandevilla are filling in fast. The rain really helped them along.
 I know a lot of people don't like the Knock Out Roses, but I do love the pink. Plus I have never had any luck with any other roses out here.

 The Arctic Queen Clematis continue to grow and now have several flowers budding out. These are a great addition to the White Garden.
 Out near the gazebo on the Front Porch the gardenia bushes are still blooming. i wish you could smell these photos. Warm, sweet, and buttery, like some kind of baked dessert.
Have a great weekend guys!

Friday, June 8, 2012

What i did today

During the warm months I have to trim the hedge row once a month. If I do it the job is really not so bad. I call it my hobby.
 First I trim along the long edge at the top. Then using long curving arches I trim the sides from the bottom to the top. The last thing I do is bring out the rolling scaffolding and flatten out the top which is no easy task.
This last photo shows the final product after I rake up all the debris and I also had to cut the grass in that yard. This photo really doesn't do it justice. The hedge is at least 50 feet long and trimmed and finished it is 6 feet tall on our side of the fence.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pickerel Rush and Mophead Hydrangea

The Water Garden does not get much attention. The plants in the pond have taken over, but the pickerel rush is bigger and pretty than ever before. The mophead hydrangea behind it is slow growing, but it doesn't get much light here in the shade deep in the corner of the garden .