Sunday, March 13, 2011

A trip around the backyard

This forsythia is at the turning point of the driveway.
This is the Pink Perfection Camellia that i have taken so many air layerings from. I am trying to build up enough to go all the way down the fence line. This camellia has an upright growth habit and has been very disease resistant since I have lived here.
This unknown camellia is down in the "waydown", and is overflowing with flowers.
This is a favorite of everyone who braves the trip to the "waydown". They call it peppermint stripe, i don't know its correct name, it's just a camellia that we inherited.
This camellia needs to be air layered and put into work along the fence line also. The picture seems light - the flowers really look red in real life.
The Linten Roses have put on a show for the Season of Lent. These are old hellebores from a famous local garden that was dismantled by a local doctor and then funeral home. This one is white.
I think these purple are my favorite.
These are kind of a mix - slightly white purples. Behind them you see the fence where i hope to plant a long row of camellias soon. That brick structure is the laundry for the house. Inside is a huge black iron "bowl" big enough to take a bath. Under it a fire was built and the laundry was boiled. You can see the little chimney there. The house dates to about 1882.
Here's a close up view.
Like my daughter, this little gal never tires of reading, she is usually shaded by hostas, but they haven't awakened yet.
Finally, here's a shot of narcissus, with Italian Arum coming right behind it to hide their slow dying that comes later.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are looking grand. The forsythia looks wonderful. Mine may bloom out and some years it just doesn't. I live in zone 4 borderline 5 so we will join you in the flowering season starting in another month. Snow is almost all gone now.
